Together, our impact is multiplied

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:

If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.

–Ecclesiastes 4:9-10a, NIV

Behind every successful individual is a great team. In life, there’s only so much you can accomplish on your own, and few of us have the means to fund an entire clean-water project by ourselves.

To enact real change, we must join forces for one purpose: to make a difference that lasts for eternity.

Together, our impact is multiplied.

Start a fundraiser today!

Step 1: Create a Page

This will take only about five minutes and will give you a customized page to track your fundraising progress. Get personal—explain why providing clean water is important to you and why you are getting involved.

Also, be sure to create a unique URL. Use something short and easy to remember so you can share it easily with your supporters.

Step 2: Spread the Word

Now that you’ve created your fundraising page, it’s time to share your campaign with friends and family. Use your voice to spread the word through social media, email, and word of mouth. Be intentional and creative—find a way to communicate the urgency of the situation in a way that compels others to join you.

Step 3: Update Your Supporters

The level of communication you maintain with your supporters directly correlates with your campaign momentum. If you’re halfway to your goal, let your supporters know!

When you’ve reached your goal, don’t forget to celebrate! Be sure to thank those who have helped you along the way. You’ve worked together to save many lives—that’s something of eternal significance.

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Meet some of the fundraisers that are part of this campaign

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